Goodday Milk in the Malaysia Book of Records as largest virtual moreh session held on 22nd May 2020 and recorded a total of 814 participants, who joined the virtual moreh…
Kotex Malaysia furthers contribution to B40 communities to expand menstrual hygiene education and access Kimberly-Clark and Kotex are sponsors of Menstrual Hygiene Day, a global awareness program, supported by over…
Calpis bekerjasama dengan Siti Nordiana untuk mempertemukan petugas baris hadapan dengan insan kesayangan mereka secara virtual pada musim lebaran ini. 29 Mei 2020, KUALA LUMPUR – Digelar sebagai wira dan…
Cadbury Dairy Milk Partners with Food Aid Foundation To Ease Burden Of 4,000 B40 Families Amid Covid-19 Pandemic KUALA LUMPUR, 29 May 2020 – Since the break-out of COVID-19 pandemic…
Kuala Lumpur, Mei 29, 2020 – Walaupun negara kini menghadapi situasi sukar akibat wabak Covid-19, semangat saling mambantu, murah hati dan saling percaya-mempercayai tetap utuh dalam kalangan rakyat. Kemudahan lama…
Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak, Malaysia’s marvellous frontliners have been working tirelessly, risking their lives to help flatten the curve. The global pandemic has certainly taken the world by storm,…
KUALA LUMPUR, 28 MAY 2020 – Globally renowned Malaysian artiste Yuna will be the headline act in the finale of U Mobile’s #GroovesWithU, a series of music performances that are…
KUALA LUMPUR, 27 Mei 2020 – Gerobok Raya merupakan inisiatif sosial yang dicetuskan oleh warga kerja Majlis Pelancongan Kesihatan Malaysia (MHTC) untuk memberi penghargaan atas keringat yang dicurahkan oleh petugas…
Since its inception in 1920, Kotex has been aiding women in times of need and as the leading feminine intimate care brand, it has remained close to many Malaysian women’s…
Kuala Lumpur, 20 May 2020 – More than one billion students across the globe had their education disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including 55 million students in the US. Around the world,…
PETALING JAYA, 20 MEI 2020: Tujuh pertubuhan kebajikan di seluruh Malaysia telah mula menerima kiriman produk Nestlé melalui #SkuadKebaikan MILO® hasil sumbangan ikhlas rakyat Malaysia menerusi pembelian dalam talian Shopee…
The dairy brand attempts to introduce the biggest virtual moreh session in Malaysia and other activities for bonding during the holy month. Kuala Lumpur, 20 May 2020 – One of…