Kuala Lumpur, 30 June 2022 – When the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, lives were lost as many became unsuspecting victims of the deadly virus. Because of this, people are now more aware of the importance of maintaining a robust immune system, either by equipping themselves with better protection, or by taking better care of their health.
Practicing healthy habits can help to build a stronger immune system, which acts as a “shield” to defend the body against any viral attacks. These habits include consuming a balanced diet that is rich in micro-nutrients, exercising or staying physically active regularly, or even setting aside time to relax and de-stress. However, this is easier said than done – keeping up with consistency over a long period of time may be daunting for some.
BiO-LiFE, a natural and holistic healthcare company with over 30 years of presence in Malaysia, invites Malaysians to rise above together with the 21 Days Good Health By Yourself (GHBY) Immunity Challenge!
Through this challenge, BiO-LiFE aims to help more Malaysians understand the importance of living healthily, so that we can build a stronger immune system in the face of continuous threats from contagious and evolving viruses. What’s more, the most creative participants who complete the challenge will stand a chance to win exciting prizes worth more than RM46,000 in total!
Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager – Malaysia & Singapore of MEGABiO-LiFE expresses the company’s intention behind the introduction of the 21 Days GHBY Immunity Challenge: “Now, more than ever, immunity is something that we should not take for granted. With so many risks around us, it is crucial that we maintain our health and strengthen our immunity, so that we can stay protected. Through this challenge, we want to take the opportunity to encourage Malaysians to get active, stay healthy, and optimize their immunity!”
“Experts say that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. By challenging ourselves to stick to a new routine for 21 days, we might be able to break out of our comfort zones, or even pick up a new-and-improved lifestyle that contributes to our immunity! Whether it’s eating breakfast every day, walking 10,000 steps a day, or cutting down on half an hour of screen time daily – just select one challenge that best suits your goals! Even by yourself, it is possible to make a difference and enjoy good health,” continued Balaji Rajagopal.
From 1 June to 31 July 2022, pledge to achieve a goal through BiO-LiFE’s 21 Days GHBY Immunity Challenge! Simply choose a health challenge from one of the categories (diet, physical activity, or lifestyle) and share your progress across the span of 21 days on social media based on the timeline below:
Day 1 – Kick start
Share your personal challenge with the invitation card that will be sent after registering online. Encourage your friends and family to join together!
Day 7 & 14 – Progress update
Share your thoughts about your challenge to date, in either picture or video format.
Day 21 – Conclusion
End of challenge! Share your final outcome and thoughts after completing the challenge, such as the changes you’ve noticed, and whether you plan to continue this healthy habit.
Do make sure that posts related to the BiO-LiFE 21 Days GHBY Immunity Challenge fulfill the following criteria:
Best of all, the first 300 participants who completed the 21 Days GHBY Immunity Challenge will be selected as winners! However, to make things even more exciting, the most creative posts stand to win additional prizes worth more than RM46,000 in total:
Grand Prize (5 pax)
Special Prize (50 pax)
Consolation Prize (100 pax)
Participation Prize (for participants who complete the 21-day challenge, 300 pax on first come first serve basis)
Sign up for BiO-LiFE’s 21 Days Good Health By Yourself Immunity Challenge now! Get started here: http://biolife.2.vu/21Dsignup
For more information, kindly visit Bio-Life Malaysia’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/biolifemarketing.