After a two-year hiatus, the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKF) is organising the first-ever NKF Open Day in conjunction with National Health Screening Month at NKF Dialysis Centre – Che Luan Khor on 14th July 2022 from 9.00am – 4.00pm.
As part of the theme of the month, ‘Be Health Alert’, those interested can look forward to free health screenings, a health exhibition, physical challenge, Zumba session and a cooking demo for simple and healthy snacks. In addition to that, there will be a lucky draw and free goodies!
This is the second Installation of NKF Open Day 2022 having kicked off in Alor Star Mall and will see two subsequent events spanning 13th August 2022.
For more information, visit www.nkf.org.my or call 07-433 7441 (Nurulain/Ain)