Hackers went after high-profile social media accounts belonging to celebrities and famous brands. They tricked them into clicking zero-click exploit sent through private messages, to take control of the accounts. Kaspersky has some useful tips.
The recent report on hackers targeted celebrities on social media with the full impact of the hacking attempt is still being investigated has raised considerable cybersecurity concerns, although the social media company has indicated that only small number of accounts were compromised.
According to Social Media Statistics for Malaysia Report, there are 28.68 million social media user identities in Malaysia, about 83.1% of the Malaysia’s population. The most recent cyber hack is not new, as the Malaysia internet regulator has also initiated investigation on 50 million accounts affected in a security breach by hackers some years ago.
“This incident highlights the ever-present threat of social engineering attacks on popular social media platforms. Hackers sent private messages to the targeted social media accounts, with the intention to take over the accounts. By clicking on deceptive private messages, account owners would risk compromising login credentials and granting hackers unauthorized access to the accounts,” says Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager of Southeast Asia at Kaspersky.
Kaspersky expert revealed that the popular social media security issue stems from a zero-click exploit used by illicit groups, without having the user to click a malicious link, but rather just open the direct message in the social media for the malware to trigger.
While the social media company is working on halting the attacks, Kaspersky expert shared that the zero-click exploits are very difficult to stop and decipher. However, there are some things the social media users can do to try to reduce some of the risk:
Kaspersky expert also has developed a detailed guide on security and privacy setup on social media. Also use the Privacy Checker to configure both the privacy and security of other social media networks.